Awaken the Heart: A Weekend Bhakti Retreat  ♥️

Awaken the Heart: A Weekend Bhakti Retreat ♥️

Join Tiffany & Sraddhā for a heart-centered weekend immersed in the sacred gifts of Bhakti Yoga — the yoga of devotion, love, and surrender. Together, we gather to chant, sing, celebrate and amplify the joy of the Heart in all forms through Kirtan, Puja, Yoga,...
Stepping into Silence: 3-Day Meditation Retreat

Stepping into Silence: 3-Day Meditation Retreat

Stepping into Silence – 3-Day Meditation Retreat This retreat is a unique 3-day immersion experience that focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, our highest Self, through a balanced integration of Inquiry, Meditation, and Vichara Yoga. This retreat...
Stepping into Silence: 3-Day Meditation Retreat

Stepping into Silence: 3-Day Meditation Retreat

Stepping into Silence – 3-Day Meditation Retreat This retreat is a unique 3-day immersion experience that focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, our highest Self, through a balanced integration of Inquiry, Meditation and Vichara Yoga. This retreat...
Women’s Online Immersion – Deepening, Level 2

Women’s Online Immersion – Deepening, Level 2

Prerequisite: Women’s Ayurveda & Tantra Immersion Level 1 10 Hours 5 Weeks Monday evenings starting March 15, 2021 7:00pm – 9:00pm (EST) Both Live + Recorded (in case you cannot join the live sessions) The Deepening is a continued Immersive Online Retreat...
Stepping Into Silence: 5-Day Retreat

Stepping Into Silence: 5-Day Retreat

Investment: Single: $990 + HST Shared: $790+ HST This retreat is a unique 5-day immersion experience which focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, our highest Self, through a balanced integration of meditation and yoga techniques. We will explore existence...